To maximize your aquarium's potential, I will come to your home and maintain your tank monthly.

For your convenience, I personally install your tank in your home or place of business. I custom build aquariums to suit your needs, while tending to the biological needs of the tank. I am very detail oriented, ensuring a clean and efficient installation process.

Aquariums must be maintained, as they are crucial ecosystems. It's amazing to watch your ecosystme thrive, but it can be complicated to do yourself. Luckily, quality is ensured under the care of a professional.
I maintain your tank, either monthly or more frequently (depending on need). There are many steps to aquarium maintenance, but the following are essential. The services I perform regularly include, changing water, adding essential nutrients to the tank, testing water, nitrate levels and pH, acclimating new fish, cleaning algae, filter cleaning, glass polishing, and surveying aquatic health.

I would like to extend my knowledge and expertise to your business. I offer my services as a consultant and personal strategist for your central system aquarium planning situation.
I have piped together all the tanks in the Blue Reef store, linking over 32 tanks together. My most current project was working with Tri-County, in which I planned and implemented the construction of the aquarium wholesale environment.
“I've been using the Fish Doc for my office aquarium for over 20 years. I recommend him highly due to his service, pricing and just being a great guy!"
-Roger, Longtime client